Sunday, 27 September 2009

Other inspirations:

Other ideas I had for music videos included having a set out story-line that I would follow. I had considered doing this to the song Untrust Us that I mentioned in the last post. I am considering doing in the style of a short video I am directing at the moment.

This video is set out to fit in with music (called 'Grounds For Divorce' by 'Elbow'). It is a simple concept that I created, directed and featured in. There is not very much to the video and I merely made it to have a look at different visual effects and styles.

The video can be found here:

All of the footage is just test footage and uncut material and the video itself only takes place between 0:47 and 3:52.

The video itself is rather let down by bad acting and it came to the point where I decided the only choice was to re-shoot some of the footage and start editing again due to the abysmal quality of a couple of my friends' acting. This is a problem that I can't have happen with my music video. The chances are I will get only one shot at filming, and if it goes wrong then that will be it. It is very important that I get a good performance out of my band, and if I'm not filming with the real band, my actors/actresses.

The name of the video has no relevance and is simply a result of our warped sense of humour.

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